Sunday, April 19, 2009

Fort Brassica

Well, waddya think?

Will it keep the pigeons off the cabbages?

The netting on top isn't as good as it could be, in fact it's cobbled together. I hate cheap netting, which this is, mostly because I hate paying good money for something which is mostly thin air. I suppose I should rationalise it as the bits which aren't the thin air are the bits which give it it's value.

Must get some better (in all senses of the word) netting


Gary and Jen, and Ruby and Peter said...

Hi, nice to see more updates on your blog.
I have a link to your blog on mine, any chance of adding me to your list ? After all, I have Plot 81 too!

Nutty Gnome said...

Ha ha - your fort brassica looks just like mine! But at the moment mine is being used to keep the flaming pigeons off a newly seeded bit of lawn I've created - the brassicas are keeping themselves busy in my living room so don't need the cage yet!

Are you allowed fires? I got one of those bins and someone complained to the council who sent me a letter about it being a smokeless zone and how I'd be fined if I used it again....!

Gordon Mason said...

Not allowed fires? That's a pretty poor show. We get admonitory letters from the council about being sensible with fires and not annoying locals but they never go so far as attempting to ban them. I think they know it would be un-policeable.

Mind you, a couple of years ago my allotment neighbour, Ivan, had such a big fire (hedge cuttings 12 feet high) that he did attract the attention of the police helicopter!

Gordon Mason said...

Thanks Gary; you're on the list!

EB said...

Hm. Another thing I have to get round to doing! Yours looks impressive to me. But I'm not a pigeon...

Matron said...

Yes, I have to build a stalag luft broccoli each year here in Hillingdon. Everything wants a piece of them - especially pigeons in Winter.

The Gnome said...

You could do what the horticulturalists in Madeira do and grow grapes on a square frame which produces a canopy, underneath which you grow your other produce. Similarly you could now grow peas up the side of your cabbage frame. Or you could hide in the tin contraption next to the frame and wait for the pigeons to come, shoot them with a 12 bore and make pigeon pie. I presume you like cabbage ?

Gordon Mason said...

I do like cabbage but sometimes it seems like a lot of trouble to go to!!