Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Six hours

That's how long I was at the allotment today, and it sure feels like it.  I was beginning to feel a bit oppressed by the sheer volume of jobs, and it was certainly starting to look in need of attention.  So that's what it got today.  Some before and after pictures below but it amounts to:

  • Leeks (starting to flower) and Wallflowers (starting to stop flowering!), both out
  • Every section, apart from the garlic and onions, hoed and left to dry out in the sun
  • Strawberries weeded
  • Raspberries weeded (Lordy what a job; I had to do it on hands and knees between the rows because it was the only way I could see what I was doing!)
  • Bean patch dug over, ready for bean poles to go in

Strawberry bed looks tidy (you couldn't actually see the plants and it was full of #**#**# nettles)

Raspberries too

So what is the next pressing task?  How long have you got?

  • Onions and Garlic to be weeded
  • Bean poles to go in
  • Beans to follow them (they've finally germinated - both lots; you couldn't make this up!)
  • Carrots, Beetroot & Spring Onions to be sown (clear the bed again first!)
  • Leeks into nursery bed before 'proper' planting
  • And piles of other stuff I can't remember.
 And in case you were wondering about the 10 Grape vines planted in March.  Every one of them has 'taken'.  They burst their buds through the green wax coating some time ago and they're now starting to come into proper leaf.  I'm [reasonably] confidently expecting them to start growing more vigorously any time soon and they will of course need a framework of posts and wires to grow up to.  Ooh er; another job!  In the meantime here's one, looking very pleased with himself, and another 5 of his mates shrinking into the background a bit.  You wait; they'll have taken over in no time.

Can't remember how I managed to do this AND go to work.  Can't remember how I ever found time to go to work!

And finally, in a fine piece of forward thinking and planning, not only do I now feel in need of a pint but I have one sitting in the fridge waiting for me.  Attaboy!!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Chard Report

I showed you a picture of the Rainbow Chard last time, looking eponymously colourful.  I can now report that we have eaten some of it, as an accompaniment (ie. in) Wilma Wilbury's famous fish stew.

Hmm.  I don't think either of them were improved by the experiment.  It looked very colourful, and I do like colourful food.  But..... as we say down here, there were nowt to it and it were 'ard as wood to chew.

Don't think I'll be growing that again, except perhaps (NO; just won't be growing it again)

And, aside, The Other Half, have now been and the path looks reasonably tidy again.  But it's still A Nissue (of disproportionate effort on my part and none on theirs) and I fear we aren't out of the woods yet.

Monday, May 14, 2012

There's tidy

Well, it is on my side at least, after a morning's strenuous strimming.   

Needless to say there's been no action from The Other Side.  Pah!  Don't think they've been there this last three weeks.  If it were down to them the communal path (that's communal, as in shared, both parties for the use of) would be waist high.

Wallflowers seem poor this year (probably drowned)

but on the plus side the Rainbow Chard is being, errm, colourful. 

We don't actually like it that much but I grew it just for the colour!

And what is it with beans?  This year, just like last year, I sowed my Climbing French and Runners a couple of weeks ago, possibly three weeks ago, to get 'em up and ready for planting out in full vigour in early June.  And where are they?  Nowhere to be seen, just like last year.  I'm going to have to re-do them, and then they'll be late.  Just like last year.  Are you seeing a theme yet?  Cos I am!!  Is anyone else having this problem?  Cos I'm getting a bit fed up with it.

Friday, May 04, 2012


But not in a good way.  I guess I shouldn't be surprised, given the amount of rain we've had (this Spring - so-called - is just Pants).  This is the entrance; it's a bit "Secret Garden" at present!!

and the path to the shed.

 What is the collective noun for Lovage?  A Rampart, as here.

Even the leeks are getting in on the act and bolting towards the sun, or where it was last sighted some days ago.
I fear it's gone beyond sorting out with the strimmer and needs heavier tackle.  Bring on the lawnmower; it's got a bigger engine!!