So I'll have lots of allotment time. Errm? Well, that's after all The Jobs which I'm assured have been lined up, and the 2-years overdue Eurostar trip, and, and, and.
But it will be good to have more time and start to do things properly instead of in an almighty rush. I actually gave up my first allotment, almost 30 years ago, because I felt I was in a constant competition, which I wasn't going to win, with a load of pensioneeers who had all the time in the world. Ah but pensioneeeers now aren't what they were then; altogether livelier!!
All this is by way of preface to the fact that I did get to the allotment yesterday, found it to be, in Sheffield parlance, a reet tip, but left it a bit better. Here are a few before and after pics;
Don't go thinking you will have all the time in the world when you retire - the time seems to get used up quickly somehow! We started off going to the plot every afternoon and soon realised that we should be doing other things as well or it was becoming our surrogate job!
Yes, that's a good point; I could do without a surrogate job!!
You'll be busier than ever now starting with the shed roof!
Love the sunroof Woody ...pity you didn't think of it in spring!Plot's looking good from yer tidy up - once you've retired can you come and do a few hours on my garden please?!!!
Don't you believe it. There's a black hole into which all the hours previously owned by t'boss disappear
Dream on, Nutty!!
Hi Chris; I'll look out for that black hole and edge carefully around it!
Loved your blog(s) by the way. I really like the notion of the Dales High Way; that's gone on my [ever-expanding] To Do list!
Completely agree about the gloriously unseasonable weather. I was out on the edges of Bleaklow on Monday, at Shepherds Meeting Stones, and managed a swim in the pools in the Derwent on the way down. A swim, in October!!
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