So I'll have lots of allotment time. Errm? Well, that's after all The Jobs which I'm assured have been lined up, and the 2-years overdue Eurostar trip, and, and, and.
But it will be good to have more time and start to do things properly instead of in an almighty rush. I actually gave up my first allotment, almost 30 years ago, because I felt I was in a constant competition, which I wasn't going to win, with a load of pensioneeers who had all the time in the world. Ah but pensioneeeers now aren't what they were then; altogether livelier!!
All this is by way of preface to the fact that I did get to the allotment yesterday, found it to be, in Sheffield parlance, a reet tip, but left it a bit better. Here are a few before and after pics;