Sunday, July 25, 2010


International Kidney

Grown in a bag on the patio - first of the year. I'm quite pleased with those; and they ate as good as they looked!


Sue Garrett said...

We've grown IK too but not harvested yet. A couple of varieties we have harvested boil in the water presumably due to the dry weather.

mrsnesbitt said...

I have just dug over my veg raised bes - 4 small sections about 3' square each - now I just want to know what to plant now - any ideas please?

Nutty Gnome said...

I dug up all my earlies on Saturday - but I haven't a clue what variety they are! Taste good though!

Yer plot's looking good. My broad beans got 'got' by a bad infestation of blackfly - again! Not going to bother with them next year, I'm going to grow more peaas instead!

Damo said...

They look good, I'm growing Charlotte and Anya same as last year which are both great.

The Boy Ollerton said...

Can't beat Charlotte, fantastic potato! :)