Sunday, August 30, 2009


Just look at these!

Best plums I've ever had (only plums I've ever had!!)

And plenty more raspberoonies where these came from (No, not Sainsbury's)


EmmaJilly said...

Wow you've done well with your soft fruit. Looks delicious. We are being blessed with lots of blackberries around our allotment.

Nutty Gnome said...

Our new Victoria plum tree had two plums on it - so me and Himself scoffed them before the fruit bats (our daughters!) spotted them!

Your rasbos look good! Our new autumn rasbos that my father-in-law planted in spring have fruited well - I'm impressed with them. Have you got any blackberries? If so, what sort are they? I fancy having some blackberries with my apples in a pie or several!

Gordon Mason said...

Blackberries? Have I got Blackberries? Wilma Wilbury would tell you I have far too many blackberries!!

Actually I only have four plants but I've had a really good crop off them this year. They've stopped now but I was picking industrial quantities for 4 weeks solid. I had to stop in the end becasue we ran out of freezer space!

I have two plants of Himalayan Giant which are very thorny but produce HUGE blackberries. The other two are Oregon Thornless which, surprise surprise, aren't thorny at all; the blackberries are a bit smaller but still good. They're all very vigorous too, now they're established, and are throwing massive leaders all over the place; I suspect I may have even more blackberries next year!!

Nutty Gnome said...

Can you really have too many blackberries?!

Thanks for that - I'll get a couple of each of those and see if I get too many blackberries!!

D said...

Woody, we dug our potatoes (volunteers from last year that were volunteers from the previous) and tomatoes continue to go gangbusters as well as squash, zucchini, eggplant, broccoli...

Our Oregon Marionberries (which we love) are gone, and the wild blackberries here in the Pacific NW continue, but too seedy because of no rain and especially when compared to the lush Marionberry. Pears are ready; strawberries keep coming. A great time of the year.