Wednesday, July 08, 2009


I've been walking the Samaria Gorge again 15 Kms of hard, hot walking and somehow the fact of it being mostly downhill doesn't make it any easier, especially in the light of this sign.

By the end my right knee was twanging. I suspected the cure to be lashings of ice-cold beer but was unsure whether to rub it on or apply internally. Dr Son and Dr Brother-in-Law quickly advised by text that I should immediately apply internally and, if no improvement, repeat quickly until feeling no pain. That did the trick.


Unknown said...

looks amazing, I shall be googling later :)

Up The Garden Path said...

That looks fantastic. But...have you read (perchance) "Between a Rock and a Hard Place" - I can't remember who it was by but he is a young American. Quite a read if you enjoy climbing and exploring.

Rob said...

It looks great where you are Woody, I'd love to walk some place like that. Bob.

Gordon Mason said...

The Samaria Gorge really is fabulous. I've walked it twice now. At the narrowest point it's only 3m wide (you can stand with a hiking pole in each hand and touch the sides) but it's 300m high.