.....I'm OK
I pay my subs,
I cut down trees,
I go....
[OK, that's quite enough of that, we get the picture]
But I have done both of those today. Paid my subs to the local Allotment Society (£3), and cut down a hawthorn which has been lurking, and a damn nuisance, at the bottom of the plot since I took it on. It's gorn now though, the last of the self-sown trees to be cut down.
I'm beginning to wonder whether my neighbours at the plot have gorn too. Haven't seen either side for weeks now, in fact not sure I've seen them this year. Perhaps the proposed massive rent increases for allotments have caused them to have a rethink?
Must admit the weather has made us absentee allotmenteers so far this year.
I've been able to get on and do a fair bit, but it's because of the slope and aspect which has given me workable soil. It was far too wet to work 'on the land' today, hence the lumberjacking!
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