Tuesday, June 12, 2012

In a packed programme this morning I.....

  •  Cut the hedge
  • Strimmed (strum?) everywhere, for the 4th time this year
  • Erected the bean pole framework (note the terribly sophisticated cross-bracing, all held together by lashings of string - but no ginger beer)
  • Transplanted the runner beans
, and
  • Hammered in some posts to tie my raspberries to (Ouch!)

All in all, a pretty productive morning.  There's still lots to do of course but it felt as though it was going in the right direction.  I'll not burden you with the "Do Next" list except to say that it's still too long but shorter than the "Do When You Get A Round Tuit" list.  Curiously elusive, Round Tuits.


Martin and Amy said...

Looks like you've put lots of hard work in.

How are the grape vines doing!!

Tanya. said...

Well it looks like you were very productive....wonder what else you can mange to get done with that wonderful sun you seem to have shining at the moment...want to send some my way??

Gordon Mason said...

Not much sun Tanya! The best I can say is that it wasn't actually raining but it was heavy cloud. Shame!!

Gordon Mason said...

Hi Martin & Amy. The grape vines are doing OK thanks. They've all burst through the green wax coating and are beginning to grow. Need to get some more posts in to build a frame work for them to climb up. Never do until the last minute what you could have done earlier!!

Sue Garrett said...

Only strimmed 4 times. The grass just keeps on growing doesn't it - wish everything else did!

Gordon Mason said...

Yep, there's something not quite right there!!