Saturday, April 03, 2010


Last year's attempt at Asparagus was so poor (rubbish crowns, poor preparation, done in haste, predictable result) that it warrants another go. So here it is:


During - funny looking things aren't they. The asparagus-eating spider crabs have landed!!


And look at this - the first proper "produce" of the season.

I feel a rhubarb crumble coming on. Yeah, I know, waistline. Phooey. What's the point of growing the beggars if ya don't eat 'em? And who can resist a rhubarb crumble.

And finally, doesn't this look neat?

I'm quite chuffed with just how neat & tidy this looks. Mind you, the bit behind me which you can't see tells another story!


Sue Garrett said...

I'd get rid of the Chinese comment as usually they lead to sites you would prefer not to be linked to. I used Google translator to translate the comment and wished I hadn't!!

The rhubarb looks good

Sue Garrett said...

Just to add not this comment but ones that appeared on my blog

The Allotment Blogger said...

Excellent rhubarb - I make rhubarb cake which is even worse for you than crumble but could be a great way to celebrate that birthday ...

Unknown said...

oh it's looking very good, top marks for you :)

Waitrose have got a recipe for Delia's rhubarb & ginger brulee ... looks yummy

Nutty Gnome said...

Looking good Woody!
I'm not expecting much rhubarb this year as I shifted mine and split it into 3 parts I'll just have to dream of the crumble....!

Gerry Snape said...

Oh how great the first rhubarb of the year! our's is coming up nicely and as I'm back from the emerald Isle today I'm thinking of Rhubarb crumble for dinner tomorrow.