Sunday, February 28, 2010

Selfless, or what?

This bare and unprepossessing stick is a Cherry tree, freshly planted this afternoon.

So what? So what's selfless about that, you cry.

I don't like cherries!

But Mrs Wilbury does.


Nutty Gnome said...

Aah, you're just an old softie at heart!

We've tasked Himself's dad to get us a cherry, a damson and an apple tree and he's (hopefully)bringing them up on Saturday - fair exchange for a good lunch I reckon!

Sue Garrett said...

Never mind - the birds will!

The Allotment Blogger said...

Ah, but think of the lovely booze that you can make from cherries - eau de vie and all that. Although it does require a still and years of practice ...

You're right, that is pretty selfless of you, but I'm sure she'll recognise your generous spirit in some suitable fashion.

Unknown said...

gotta keep those other halves sweet, otherwise they start stamping their feet when we spent so long at lottie ... hence why I have a forest of raspberries. About the only thing OH tends on the lottie :)

Anonymous said...

How can someone not like cherries? It's unAmerican.