Sunday, January 31, 2010


A new pruning saw made short work of coppicing the Hazel bush.



And look at all this blue sky. It was blooming cold but it's so much more bearable in sunshine!

And I've finally got around to harvesting the runner bean seeds which I'd semi-intentionally allowed to dry off on the plants over winter. Do you think this will be enough?!!!


Unknown said...

wow, that's a whole lorra beans !

Nutty Gnome said...

You've got enough beans to do an entire plantation there Woody!

Please can you come and tame my ceonothus?!

Sue Garrett said...

Just what we did this year too - coppice our hazel bushes.

mccardey said...

Hello? New blog entry due?

Australia is waiting....

Gordon Mason said...

Strewth! Didn't know I had a follower in Australia.

It's a bit cold over here you know; none of this heatwave stuff you're tormenting me with. We got to the dizzy heights of 2C today. Things slow down!!

But I've got a weekend off now and hope to be up and at it. Bonzer!!

mccardey said...

Well, you know, just whenever you're ready. It's not like we're BUSY or anything.....

The Allotment Blogger said...

Coppicing is great fun because it produces such obvious results. And all that hazel makes excellent supports for peas in a few weeks time!

mccardey said...

I wish I had an allotment. We don't have allotments in Sydney.

Or snow.

Or anything, really... :( We rely solely on Other People's Blogs...

Sue Garrett said...

Just a tip,
I started to get Chinese comments and google translated one - mine were just Chinese porn so I delete any now!