Monday, December 31, 2012

Phew, just in time

Garlic and Autumn Shallots should be planted in......?   Errm, Autumn?  Yep, the clue is in the name for the Shallots and Garlic needs a spell of cold weather.

So when did I plant mine?  This afternoon.  Phew, just in time but at least I'm in the right year.

On which note, Happy New Year to all allotment bloggers everywhere.  Hope you're looking forward to a good season, ideally a bit drier and sunnier than this year.  See you next year.

Sunday, December 02, 2012

I am the God of Hellfire

Well, not exactly, but I have just had a stonking great bonfire.  All the hedge clippings which have been stacked up and drying, Gorn I tell you.  Gorn.

Here's before

and here's after.

Gorn, innit.

And I followed that up by sitting in the sun under a clear blue sky, drinking hot coffee and eating chocolate biscuits.  What's not to like?

But that's about all that has been happening on the allotment recently.  We're well & truly in the slow and torpid season.  Come on lad, get a grip; this isn't good enough.  The list of jobs doesn't get any shorter.  Actually it did this morning, by one, with that bonfire!